YourClassical Children

Classical Kids Storytime - 'Why the Bear Sleeps All Winter'

'Why the Bear Sleeps All Winter'

Rabbit has a problem. After working hard all year to gather vegetables for the winter, Bear comes along and eats them up! What is Rabbit to do? Find out how Rabbit gets out of this mess in the African-American folktale ‘Why the Bear Sleeps All Winter,’ the new YourClassical Storytime episode — featuring Jeffrey Yelverton, with music by Scott Joplin and illustrations by Xee Reiter and Al Reiter.

YourClassical Music Lessons: ¿Cómo se sienten?
YourClassical Music Lessons: ¡Hay tantas fuentes de sonido!
YourClassical Storytime: 'El Violín de Ada'

YourClassical Storytime: 'El Violín de Ada'

Ada Ríos soñaba con tocar el violín. Sin embargo, ella creció con poco dinero en un pequeño pueblo de Paraguay construido sobre un vertedero. ¿Cómo pudo cumplir su sueño? Disfruta de la historia verdadera de la Orquesta Reciclada de Cateura, Paraguay, una orquesta compuesta por niños que tocan instrumentos construidos con basura reciclada, en el episodio más reciente de YourClassical Storytime, “El Violín de Ada,” narrado por Inés Guanchez en español e inglés.

'Ada's Violin'

'Ada's Violin'

Ada Ríos dreamed of playing the violin. She grew up with little money in a small town in Paraguay built on a landfill. How could Ada fulfill her dream? Enjoy the true story of the Recycled Orchestra of Paraguay, an orchestra made up of children playing instruments built from recycled trash, in the newest YourClassical Storytime episode, ‘Ada's Violin',’ featuring Inés Guanchez as she shares the story in Spanish and English.


'Christmas Every Day'

Can you have too many presents, too much holiday food, too much cheer? When little Noelle wishes for Christmas every day, she gets more than she bargained for in the delightful new YourClassical Storytime episode “Christmas Every Day,” featuring traditional music of the holiday season and art by Nancy Carlson.


'Stone Soup'

What happens when a stranger shows up in town with a magical backpack, a small stone and a giant, black pot? It's a lesson in sharing with 'Stone Soup,' the new episode of YourClassical Storytime, featuring art by Xee Reiter and music by Francis Poulenc.

Virtual Concert: Gaelynn Lea

Virtual Concert: Gaelynn Lea

Gaelynn Lea is a singer, songwriter, and fiddle player from Duluth, MN. Listen to Gaelynn’s original music and hear her talk a little about her disability, and how she uses accommodations to play her violin.

Class Notes Concerts Preview: The Mirandola Ensemble
YourClassical Adventures: Write to Liz and Melanie and download the podcast!

YourClassical Adventures: Write to Liz and Melanie and download the podcast!

Each Saturday at 8 a.m. central, Liz Lyon presents YourClassical Adventures. She explores different areas in classical music and gives you examples to help spark your own classical music adventure. What are you and your family curious about after hearing this week's show? Share your comments and ideas with us!

YourClassical Radio