Reflecting on music and thankfulness
Although it’s hard to say goodbye to October, classical host Ward Jacobson finds much to be thankful for in November, especially music that brings joy.
Although it’s hard to say goodbye to October, classical host Ward Jacobson finds much to be thankful for in November, especially music that brings joy.
We asked listeners for their go-to creepy classical music choices to add a little spirit to a Halloween playlist. Here’s the countdown of their favorites.
Take a tour with us through the classical record bins of yore for 13 album covers delightfully suited for Halloween. They range from truly frightening to "what were they thinking?" See for yourself which are tricks and which are treats.
Halloween is just around the corner. Get yourself into the spooking spirit with our specially curated playlist of fun (and creepy) classical music.
The Choral Scholars of University College Dublin performs an Irish lullaby that dates from 1904.
Who needs another playing of Lee Greenwood’s gooey, inordinate, moralistic schlep of a song ‘God Bless the USA’ when there’s so much other great Americana music to explore for Independence Day? Classical host Ward Jacobson offers his recommendations for a musical July Fourth to remember.
‘Shine: A Summer Solstice Celebration’ highlights composers and musicians who celebrate this glorious season and will inspire listeners to celebrate the longest day of the year. Listen now with host Melanie Renate.
Explore the historical and cultural roots of Cinco de Mayo as we celebrate Mexican and Chicano heritage through music in the American Public Media special ‘Celebrating Cinco de Mayo,’ with host Ines Guanchez.
The beloved holiday of Passover, which runs April 5 to 13, commemorates the Exodus of the Jewish people from enslavement to freedom. Join host Adam Fine for ‘Melodies of Freedom,’ a musical celebration of Passover that explores the power of music to bring people together. Listen now.
For the first time since 2015, the North Dakota State University Challey School of Music performed its annual holiday tradition ‘Messiah’ at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in downtown Minneapolis in late 2022. Listen now to that performance for Easter.